My unbelievably picky horse actually eats this and licks his bowl clean. After consulting with Kelato nutritionist, she confirmed that I can mix the product with water and feed it. It turns into a thick cake batter like consistency but my horse loves it. Otherwise the powder is so light that my horse blows it away with each sniff.
I can’t speak to its efficacy yet as my horse is still on Gastrogard and Misoprostol. In hopes that the Protek GI will aid in making the transition successful.
My barn manager is very knowledgeable and experienced, and approaches the world of supplements with skepticism and practicality, but we both agree that Protek GI seems to be one of the ones that really work. I’ve got that horse in the barn that has a million health issues including severe (as bad as it gets) squamous and pyloric ulcers scoped in June. I added Protek to her diet at the midpoint of her treatment and have kept her on it for 8 months since, and she never backslid in terms of ulcers symptoms as we tapered her off the meds. She’s still happy and comfortable. I’ll update my review once I rescope next month. 4 stars just because of the cost.